Environmental Voter Project: There 600,000 Florida Voters Who Say The Environment is their #1 Priority – Get Them to Vote

The Environmental Voter Project aims to significantly increase voter demand for environmental leadership by identifying inactive environmentalists and then turning them into consistent activists and voters.The Environmental Voter Project is a new, powerful concept that (1) uses big-data analytics to identify inactive environmentalists and then (2) applies cutting-edge behavioral science to turn them into more consistent voters. Using a new generation of Get-Out-The-Vote techniques, we are dramatically increasing voter turnout while precisely measuring our impact. EVP is a non-partisan nonprofit organization. We do not endorse candidates or tell people how to vote. EVP has a much bigger goal: instead of trying to influence particular elections, we aim to fundamentally change the electorate so that policy makers respond accordingly. Our steady, movement-building approach is using proven techniques to bring environmental voter turnout to a tipping point of overwhelming demand for progressive environmental policies.

Polls show that voters consistently rank environmental issues among their lowest concerns in every election. This is a huge problem. Politicians want to win elections, and if environmental issues are a low priority for voters, they will be a low priority for policy makers. Yet polls also show that tens of millions of Americans strongly prioritize progressive environmental policies – the real problem is that these people do not vote. Indeed, even in recent nation-wide elections, over 15 million individually identifiable environmentalists have stayed at home on Election Day. Therefore, the key to getting powerful environmental policies in place might not be to persuade more Americans to be environmentalists; it may be as simple as getting more of our existing environmentalists to vote.


Getting environmentalists to vote has never been more important!


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Sep 27 2020


8:00 am - 6:00 pm

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